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What’s in my Gym Bag

“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.¨ – Leigh Hunt The journey becomes a bliss when you travel with a mindfully packed bag. This applies to your fitness journey as well. Many of us believe that the only thing we need to carry…

Why Are You Always Tired

The higher your energy level,  the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you use your talent to produce outstanding results.- Anthony Robbins. “I feel so tired”, one phrase which is…

How to Build Bigger Arms?

"Big arm are like ornaments on a Christmas tree- Ed Coan" In the realm of fitness, where everyone is obsessing over six-packs and lean arms, big arms are still a thing of beauty. Every man is wondering how to get bigger arms, wants sleeve…

What to wear while working out

Armour is heavy, yet it is a proud burden and the man standeth straight in it- Mark Twain Fitness isn't just about the right movements and heavy weights. There are many other things that are need to be considered, even before you workout.…
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