Herb Knoll
Herb Knoll is a widower advocate, public speaker, and workshop leader and is the founder of The Widower’s Support Network (WSN). Knoll’s ministry serves widowers and those who love them. His breakout book, The Widower’s Journey is available on in both paperback and in digital formats. To order your autographed copy, see:
The Hazards of Isolation for Elderly Men
“How has everyone been dealing with the loneliness, especially in this socially distancing world?” Jeremy asked this question, a member of the Widowers Support Network – Members Only, a ministry on Facebook for grieving men who have lost…
Do Widowers Make Good Husbands
Do Widowers Make Good Husbands?
The question might seem simple, but it depends on whom you ask. Interestingly, no question I have ever posed to members of our Men Only Facebook page (Widower’s Support Network – Members Only) have ever…
What is the Right Time to Remarry
Suddenly, it hits you, you’re a widower, and you don’t want to live the rest of your life alone. You always knew that most women outlive their husbands, so the chances were good that you would never be widowed, and you wouldn’t have to…
Preparing Yourself for the Loss of a Loved One – Anticipatory Grief
Loss of a spouse or a life-partner can occur suddenly as in the case of a drug overdose, an auto accident, or someone falling down a flight of stairs. Some spouses are lost to their families following a prolonged illness such as cancer,…
Widowers Need To Be Coachable
What do Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, and Derek Jeter all have in common? We could start with a considerable amount of athletic ability. Each has been recognized as among the best of the best in their individual sport. They…
Why Should A Widower Socialize
Grieving men are misunderstood. And for a good reason. After all, men don’t believe they have permission to grieve in the first place. When a man experiences a loss, they frequently resort to their primitive behaviors, suggesting to those…
How Single Fathers Can Communicate With Their Children
As a widower, you know that you are not the only one grieving. Following the loss of your wife, pain is felt by many others, such as your wife’s parents, siblings, relatives, neighbours, co-workers, fellow parishioners, or friends. It can…
Why Others can’t Relate To Your Loss
Following the passing of a wife or life-partner, it is the widower who needs support, not the deceased.
So why is it that so many widowed men complain about their sense of abandonment by their families, friends, neighbors, and…
Why it is Okay for Men to Cry
From the time little boys are first able to walk, in some cases even before they can walk, parents begin shaping the psyche of their sons by telling them, “Boys don’t cry. ” Oh really… who says so? Whoever it was, they should be prosecuted…