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Hair Styling Mistakes: Top 5 hair care mistakes by Men

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Your hairstyle is an important aspect of your style and you must ensure that you are always doing the right thing to them. People often form opinions about you by the type of Hairstyle you sport. If you want your hairstyle to be impeccable and you want your hair to stay for a longer period of time, these mistakes should be avoided at all costs. Here are 5 hair styling mistakes that most men do and don’t even realize that they are doing it.

Washing your hair too often

Washing your hair every day and using a harsh shampoo can wash off the essential oils of your scalp. Most of the shampoos contain sketchy ingredients and they are harmful to your hair. So skip a day or two the next time you reach out for that shampoo bottle.

Not Using a hair conditioner

A lot of men commit this hair mistake knowingly. They believe that conditioners are for women but friends everyone should use a conditioner after shampoo. It nourishes your hair and scalp while also retaining the essential oils.

Not Towel Drying your hair properly

When you get out of the shower, your hair is most fragile. They are prone to breakage and damage. Using a towel aggressively can damage your hair, to avoid this let them air dry or use a blow dryer. This will help your hair reach its natural texture when dried and it will be easier to maintain.

Using excessive hair products

This is one of the worst hair styling mistakes that can ruin your hair instantly and also you won’t be able to achieve the desired style. Excessive use of hair products can damage your hair and makes them heavy, which is difficult to manage. Use products with natural ingredients like beeswax, also don’t use hair products on an everyday basis, use them sparingly.

Not knowing your hair type

Now, this is more of a hair-styling mistake. We never pay attention to the texture and type of our hair, this leads us to choose an unrealistic hairstyle for us. This results in a hairstyle that is not apt for your hair type. So, know your hair type and choose a hairstyle accordingly

These are some mistakes you should avoid and what you can do to have better hair. If you avoid these mistakes, you will start noticing your hair look and feel amazing:

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1 Comment
  1. Brenda says

    Useful post about hair care mistakes, It’s best to learn from other’s mistakes than to feel the urge to commit one by oneself & then think of learning. I think we’ve all made some of these mistakes to some degree or another.

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